Sunday, November 24, 2013

Does God Answer Prayer?

Author Victoria Sheffield

It was never promised to us that life would be easy but to all that choose to serve God there is reassurance in a daily connection that we have with God through prayer that change will come!

Often when we pray we wonder if God really answers prayer. Life as we know it is full of ups and downs. In times of trials and despair we turn to what we know, prayer. Our prayers are moments that we communicate our emotional state to God and express our desire to receive help and strength. Prayer is an opportunity to cry out to God and pour out our hearts to him in desperation in humbleness with faith that this connection will bring upon change. Our disappointments in life are appointments with God. When we pray we should begin to pray with thanks for what he has already done and for what we know he is going to do. We should pray for the seen and the unseen things.

Prayer is also a time to ask God for forgiveness from all of our sins. This is also a time to forgive all that have sinned against us. This divine connection between God and man opens up a channel from earth to another dimension, Heaven. The more a person faces calamity the more a person pursues this channel. It is in our afflictions that we draw closer to the spirit that is within us. The higher power desires the opportunity to connect with his creations, to spend time with us, and to reassure us of the things that he has already promised. To always be with us and to deliver us from all.

When Peter walked on water is was God that kept him from sinking. When the Israelites hungered it was God that fed them manna. When Jesus hung on the cross it was God that resurrected his body. The same God that delivered yesterday will deliver today. He knows all and sees all. His son is the author and finisher of our faith. He not only hears our prayers but he answers our prayers. Even if we do not like the answer he knows what is best for our lives. If the answer has not come yet then he is sustaining. The answer might be no or yes but trust in his decisions. In despair Jesus cried out to God by asking the question "why has thou forsaken me?" Did God come to his rescue?

Not only does God answer prayer but he knows your request even before it is presented before him. He wants your time, your whole heart, and your submission. A daily walk and divine connection.

Evangelist Victoria Sheffield

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