Thursday, November 14, 2013

Generational Curses Must Stop!

 Author/Journalist Victoria Sheffield

Generational Curses must stop! Too often I see people that repeat the same mistakes that their parents made. If we suffered from the mistakes and flaws of our parents, then we must break the cycle. Sometimes people can admit that they had a problem with the way that they were raised but find it hard to break the cycle. They find it hard because parents are children's first teachers and children learn by way of example. 

We can use physical abuse as an example. A child may have been abused or may have witnessed a parent being abused. The child knew this was wrong behavior but because of the environment became a part of it. Another example: A child may have grown up in an environment where a parent was a drug user then at some point ended up traveling down that same road. The child that experienced the physical abuse became angry at some point but could not freely express these feelings being forced to bottle up emotions. This is what I call a walking time bomb waiting to explode! So when given the opportunity, that person gets really mad at someone then.....they become abusive. I feel that they knew that they had a lot of anger in them but as a child when a parent tells them to keep there mouth shut this is what children are trained to do. The parent sends this message. I can do anything around you or to you, and you better not say a word. 

It is really sad!! So the child became the person that they did not want to be. This happens not because they are necessarily like the parent. This is what they were taught to do. Have you ever heard anyone say that hurt people, hurt people? Then the new abuser deals with self esteem issues feeling down and low on themselves because the enemy in spite of God's plan whispers to them and tells them that they are just like the parent. They then start to feel unworthy. The cycle rolls over and over again to the next generation until........this person believes that they are whom God called them to be. This person should accept Christ, admit their faults, and repent. Now is the time pray for the parent, and ask God to help them become delivered from the curse. After that becomes the pressing down of strongholds because the enemy will continue to try to make this person feel inadequate. 

In the area of the drug abuse. The child has been brought up in another dysfunctional environment. Lord knows all that they had to go through living with a parent that abuses drugs. As a result, the teenager is pressured by peers, and because of the stress in the home, the drugs are used to self medicate. Many use drugs also so that they can feel like they belong. They know that it is wrong but this is what they were brought up around and the enemy will use what he can to destroy a nation. Now they are at the point of low self esteem, addicted and loss exactly where the enemy wants them. The enemy comes to steal, kill, and destroy! Generational curses must stop and you may be the one to deliver a nation!

The only way to break any curse is through Christ. We have to make cautious decisions with our lives. We may make mistakes but we can begin again! There are some that may never follow the footsteps of a dysfunctional parent and that's good. We must admit that our background affected us in some type of way though. We must look back if we were brought up this way and pay attention to how we were affected by this and ask God to begin to break those chains. It is vital to start at the root of the problem where it began. I am a true believer that when God gets tired he will bring his people out but we must first want to be free. People make the mistake in thinking that they can not do this alone! God did not create us to be dysfunctional and wants us to be whole living a victorious life! We are not a product of yesterday but created in the image of God! We can have peace after the storms! You are who God created you to be!

It's the enemies job to keep us in bondage. It is time to reclaim our lives and believe that there is victory in Christ Jesus! We must believe that no matter what our past is that our past does not determine our future!!

Thanks so much for reading! There is power in the name of Jesus!

Evangelist Victoria Sheffield/Chain Breaking Ministries

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