Friday, January 23, 2015

It's Been a Long Journey - Book Promotion Tour

As some know I just completed by book and story, "It's Been a Long Journey". Now it's time to start my book tour. Some of this will be done online and soon I will be doing a book signing. Today I want people to view a part of my book that I call the Spiritual Encounters Chapter. This is the chapter in my book that I wrote intimate details about five moving moments in my life that I will never forget. This is one of my favorite chapters. Some may not believe some of my experiences but that is alright with me. One thing I love about this book is that it's all truth. (no lies!) 

To view the Humble Beginnings Chapter, visit my page on Amazon here. This is just the chapter that talks about my parents, where I was born, my siblings, and so forth. The back cover can also be read in the description on Amazon.

So here is encounter  # 4 (remember there are five in all) Some of the others are much deeper. I must be honest' I will not share ANY more details about this book. Amazon Kindle will estimate that it is 47 pages long but in print the pages WILL total to 80.

Encounter #4

By this time I had only four children. I can remember trying to do bible study with my children. My children were playing and clowning so bad that I could not get their attention. I can remember getting frustrated with them. All I remember is that God spoke to me and said I will get their attention. He said that they were getting ready to experience my presence. This happened so fast. I remember saying and screaming to them ok you all keep on playing but God is getting ready to do something. All of a sudden, we heard a knock at the door. I knew it wasn’t my husband. I know God does not mean for us to fear but I was shaken. I went over to the door and saw no one on the other side of the door. I am laughing now as I am typing but this is all true. This was not our imagination. We all heard the knock and if any ask those children they will all say the same thing to this day. All they could say was momma we are scared. I looked at them and simply said that I told you all that this was not something to play with. He got their attention and I was able to carry on. 

God told me early in my life to teach my children the bible and the things of the spirit. I was being obedient and they were being disobedient. God had my back didn’t he?

 Thank you all so much for viewing! 
Print copies and a virtual tour is coming soon!

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