Sunday, December 27, 2015

Don't Turn Back! Leave The Things That Held You Bound Behind!

In this season, let go of the people in your life that have a negative effect on you! As hard as it may be, sometimes we must cut the cord that leads to bondage. This is not the will of God for our lives. The thief comes to steal, kill, & destroy. We may need to let go of some friends and even family. This may not mean to just walk away totally but to keep a distance. Nothing should separate us from the love of God.

John 10:10
I came that they may have life and have it abundantly. 

Jeremiah 29:11
For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope. 

 So according to the two verses, we are not to live a depressed and oppressed life. Neither should we lose hope. God means us no evil and if he brought us into existence, then we are not a mistake because our life has a purpose because of his plan.

Are you at a place where you are stuck? What's holding you captive? Maybe there is something you want to do with your life but so far what you want is just a thought in the back of your mind. Procrastination is a spirit. If we are to live life abundantly, then why are we so stuck? Nothing in life will come easy not even riches. His word in Genesis says that it will come from the sweat of our brow. (Genesis 3:19) So unless we received an inheritance, then we must work for what we want in life. Is money, doubt, depression, or people holding you back from the things of God? This is your season to prosper. The verb prosper defined means to be successful or fortunate, especially in finances. Also to thrive or flourish. The word prosper does not just mean our finances. 

It's his will for us to prosper and be in good health. (lll John 1:2) How can we enjoy our dreams and aspirations in life if our health is bad? In this season, we must stop allowing the enemy to steal our joy with being overweight, having health related problems because we are so depressed we over eat to cover up our pain. Cigarettes, alcohol, drugs, etc... are all things that people use to cover up pain. Who is God in our life if we use those things to make us feel better? Yes I know that drinking is not a sin as long as it is not done is excessive amounts. 

Remember our temple, which is our bodies - should be holy vessels - a living sacrifice. (Romans 12:1) We will reap the benefits of not taking care of ourselves which is what the enemy wants to do. (destroy us) 


Stop making them! I don't have the money - I am not pretty enough. - I can't - It's too hard - I'm not smart enough. I'm too heavy!

There are businesses that can be started for free and almost free. Not being pretty enough doesn't work for me. Put on a wig! lol lose weight - do what you have to do but stop procrastinating because no one is gonna give you anything! Life is hard but God gives us wisdom! We don't know how much time we have on this earth and there is a lot of free information out here. Start with your local library or the world wide web.


Have you made any? If you haven't this must mean you don't have plans for your life. Successful people in life had a plan and no matter how hard, followed through with the plan. Have you set realistic Goals? This does not necessarily mean to have a new years resolutions because for me, I live my life daily with prosperity on my mind. I live my life wondering how I can be a better person today than I was yesterday. If you are someone that has a New Year's resolution, that's perfectly fine!

Leave Our Past Failures Behind

Everything we go through in life is for a reason even if it was our fault. Learn from your mistakes and stop beating up on yourself. God used many that were not perfect like me and you. Don't look back and don't make excuses for making the same mistakes over and over. Move forward in the things of God. Unlock your mind where the enemy has held you captive. Put your heart on the things that matter in life because an attack on our mind comes first from a thought. Make sure your heart is right with God and stay focused!

Trust God!

We will never understand God fully. Some things are not for us to know but he knows what's best for us. Job even in all of his troubles still worshipped God. Take your minds off of the cares of this world and keep your mind on God! Even when you can't see your way through know that God is near to prosper you. Know that our trials come to make us strong. You must keep on pushing and hold on to hope. When we lose hope, we are defeated. We are more than conquerors through Christ Jesus. 

Everything we do, let us do it unto God. In this season, this new year approaching let go of all of the foolishness and don't look to the left or the right because Jesus is on his way back and that's all matters. Playing church is out! Thinking that we can live a worldly life and go to heaven is dangerous! Only a few, an elect will make it in. (Matthew 7:13) What can you do now to advance the kingdom? Our children need mentors. It's time out for preaches and leaders to stop trying to outdo one another and work together to build his kingdom. It's time out for sugar coating and looking at ministry as a means to financial support for our families. Jesus told his disciples to leave behind everything they had and to shake the dust off their feet when they were rejected. Jesus is a supplier to those that diligently seek him! Seek him where he may be found and seek him early. Stop living the defeated life, & he will give you the desires of your heart. Learn how to use the word of God especially faith to defeat the enemy. (Ephesians 6 ch.) The contents of the movie War Room is not new. He always said go into our prayer closets and shut the door so that he can reward us openly. We wonder why we feel we can't hear from God but we are so busy! Spend time with him! Know that some things come by fasting and prayer. (Praise God he's in Hollywood though!)

Happy New Year! I could go on and on! Prosper! Tell somebody about Jesus! Live the abundantly life! God loves you all & so do I!!

Chain Breaking Ministries!  Evg. Victoria Sheffield

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