Friday, November 25, 2016

The Fruit of the Spirit

When a seed is planted, we sit and wait for it to grow. We water it and make sure it has plenty of sunlight. We make sure that we don't over water it and we pull off anything that does it harm like worms. If we use pesticide to help the plant grow then it loses its value.  This is the word that God is giving me this morning. By the way, I hope all had a Happy Thanksgiving yesterday.

The word of God is the seed. Make sure you plant enough of it daily in your heart so that your soul will receive what it needs. If you filtrate your soul with things like violent TV shows or music, you've contaminated your temple. Nurture your temple by hearing the word of God from a preacher because how can we hear without a preacher? When we get off track, God takes and prunes anything away from us that does us no good. We may not understand, but people can not see fruit grow on a tree that is full of worms that bear no fruit. Keep your temple holy because what goes in comes out. People need to see the word of God being manifested in our lives. Its always good to minister to people but people are blessed just by our presence! 

In times like this, people need to see that even though the storms came and beat up on the tree on the hill, that we stayed the course. Though the winds blew, you did everything to hold on so that your joy would remain full. The miracle comes behind the fact that even though hardship came, you waited patiently and fought the good fight of faith. In other words you are still smiling and encouraging others. Your fruit love, joy, peace, longsuffering, & so forth are just the things needed to produce fruit that will last! Many will be lead to Christ because you carry a seed that produces kingdom connections. People are drawn to you because the spirit attracts. This is why we should be very mindful of the people we surround ourselves with daily!

I hope this blessed you! 
God spoke this to me and I wanted to share!

Peace & Blessings! Evangelist Victoria Sheffield
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