Thursday, August 31, 2017

A Woman That Broke Every Barrier

Written by Author/Journalist/Evangelist - Victoria Sheffield
Taken From the book of—Esther ©

Talk about being positioned for purpose! Esther a Jew orphan did not know through all of her pain that God was setting her up for her destiny. Her mother and father died when she was very young and her cousin Mordecai took her in as his own daughter. Who would have ever known how drastic her life would change when a search for a new queen took place.  Her entire position changed after King Ahasuerus banned his past wife Queen Vashti from the palace because of her disobedience. This opened up opportunity and possibility for hundreds of young beautiful virgins. As opportunity arose Mordecai advised her not to tell anyone of her Jew status.
At the decree of the king, Esther whose birth name was Hadassah was taken out of her home and comfort zone to be beautified for twelve months in preparation.  So her pain did not stop at being an orphan. She was taken and prepared for a chance of spending one night with a King whom she did not know which was the plan for each virgin.  I can only imagine how this must have felt. After her night with the king, she’s chosen as the new Queen.  There’s a new queen in the house that broke every barrier. She made it from the pit to the palace. She also changed the direction of herself and her people by standing boldly in what she believed. The King had a close confident named Haman who he promoted prince above all princes.
After his promotion, all of the people in the land made him feel special by bowing down to him but not Mordecai. This was against the Jews to bow down to man. Haman became furious and consulted with the King. Haman told the King that their were certain people in the land that would not obey the laws and convinced the King to destroy the Jews.  The King still does not know his wife is a Jew. The decree goes out and the bible states that there is mourning all over the land from the Jews. When Queen Esther hears about this, she gets one of her closest servants given to her by the King to check on Mordecai and to see why this is so. Mordecai sends a message back to the Queen and lets her know that because he did not bow down to Hamen, all Jews will be killed. Hamen tries to get Esther to have the King remove the decree but she replies to Mordecai by saying it is unlawful for me to go before the King unless he calls for me. If I go before him and he does not hold out his golden scepture and receives me, the penalty is death. Not to mention that the queen had already not seen the King in thirty days. Mordecai replies back by saying in so many words, I hope as a Jew yourself you do not feel as if you will escape.
     Coming to reality Esther tells Mordecai to pray and fast for her for three days and that he should tell the other Jews to do the same and she and her maids will do the same. Sometimes in our life we will be put into position where we will have to trust God like never before and if we are slowful at moving in the things of God we will miss out on our blessings. To make a long story short, Queen Esther went before the King and he received her. There is a lot more to the story but her act of bravery saved her and her people. She could have been killed but she believed in faith through fasting and prayer that God could and would bring her people out and he did. As for those that are wondering why all the pain, remember that your pain is tied into your destiny. As for anyone that feels as if they are tired of the struggle stay focused because your situation can change in the twinkling of an eye. I want to encourage all to walk in faith in the boldness and in the authority of Christ Jesus. I know God can and will bring you out too.

Thanks so much for reading!!!!

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