Saturday, September 28, 2019

Press Towards the Mark

Today I want to encourage everyone to "Press Towards the Mark". I heard God speak to me clear as day this week as the enemy has truly been busy. The attacks are nothing new to me but this week was extremely tough. In fact if I may be transparent I almost gave up. We that are in ministry get weak sometimes too. Sometimes it can seem as if we are perplexed from every side. I want to share something that happened to me. In a still small voice while in my kitchen I heard God's voice telling me to read the word. This is what I opened my bible to.
Philippians 3:14 -  I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus.

Note that Paul wrote this while prison. I want to piggy-back for a moment. Take a look at what verse 13 says.
Verse 13 Brethren, I count not myself to have apprehended: but this one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind, and reaching forth unto those things which are before.

God wants us to fight the good fight of faith. We shouldn't focus too much on our situations but on the prize. Things will happen to us in life that will throw us but God wants us to not stay down too long.
Sometimes it can even feel as if we are sheep waiting to be slaughtered. God never told us that life would be easy but he does let us know that he would never allow us to go through anything alone. I want to encourage all that are going through something today to keep the faith and never lose hope. Know that God hasn't forgotten you. In an appointed time he will give you the desires of your heart. Your change/breakthrough is coming!! Keep on pressing towards the mark and keep trusting and believing in his word. He knows all about your troubles. I can assure you that there is nothing too hard for him.
"But the Lord is faithful, and he will strengthen you and protect you from the evil one." 2 Thessalonians. 3:3 Press on by not giving up!! Press on by reading your bible when you don't feel like it! Press on by doing his will even when you are hurting. Press on by encouraging somebody else when you are tired. This way your light will shine and God will get the glory out of your situation. There is a prize at the end! Keep on moving!!
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Copyrighted Article & Quotes by Jeru Publications

Friday, August 16, 2019

God Wishes That We Would Prosper & Be in Good Health

3 John Chapter 1 vs 2
Christian Journalist Author Victoria Sheffield

In doing some background on the history of this chapter I realize that the verse is an epistle written by John. The epistle was written to a man named Gaius. We know that an epistle is a letter inspired by God written to the early churches. So lets take a look at what the verse says......

Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health, even as thy soul prospereth.

Two Supporting Verses

John 1:1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. 

 2 Timothy 3:16 All scripture is inspired of God and beneficial for teaching, for reproving, for setting things straight, for disciplining in righteousness.

 I am so amazed at the wording especially when John refers to Gaius as beloved. I want to concentrate on the fact that God not only wants us to prosper but wants us to be in good health. 

A while back I thought a lot about what this means. What the Lord showed me in the spirit was the fact that we can not enjoy the things that we've accomplished in life if we are unhealthy. Part of being healthy is making sure that our whole being is taken care of. Each one of us should take care of our spirit man as well as our physical bodies. 

We can do this by staying in his word and by not allowing ourselves to live our lives full of stress. We all want to be successful but if we don't have a true relationship with God, how can we be prosperous. God is the way, the truth, and the life. He will bring life to our dead dry bones but we must align ourselves up with his will.

His will in spite of everything we face is for us to be victorious. 

Victory for me be 


God himself just gave this to me! Recently God has been dealing with me on the topic of "Setbacks are Setups" We will all go through some stuff while we are on this earth but don't forget to take care of yourself even while in the storm. 

Look your best and work on being the best you!!


Thanks so much for reading this!

Dr/Evangelist Victoria Sheffield

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Be Still and Know That I am God Daily Devotional
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Copyrighted Article & Quotes by Jeru Publications

Sunday, January 27, 2019

Be Still and Know That I am God

Evangelist Victoria Sheffield

Its been a while since i've had time to write an article but as a Christian author I realize I must take some time to do what I am called to do. Today I strongly feel God is placing in my spirit that battles are not ours to fight. When we are going through do we forget about the fact that there was blood shed for us? As humans it's easy to doubt God and worry about how or if God will do what we ask.  In life there will be things that happen that will just about knock us off our feet. After the shock will we throw in the towel or will we stand on the word of God? I've been there where I stressed myself out trying to figure it all out. My emotions were all over the place and I found it hard to trust God. We know that God is not the author of confusion. 1 Corinthians 14:33. “For God is not the author of confusion, but of peace, as in all churches of the saints.” Will we faint or will we pray? Will we become angry with God or will we trust him? Will we consult with our friends about our situation or will we lean on God? God does not want us to worry! 1 Peter 5:6-8 6Humble yourselves, therefore, under God's mighty hand, that he may lift you up in due time. 7Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you. 8Be alert and of sober mind. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour.

Some are sick because they fear, doubt, and worry about what tomorrow will bring. Some even seem to feel as if God isn't speaking to them but he is. His hands are in every situation and he tells us that he will never leave or forsake us. We must learn to Be Still and see what he has to say about our situations. In other words in time he will allow us to see his glory. Spending time alone with God allows us to clearly hear instruction. Sometimes we must be still so that we won't go ahead of God and try to fix things on our own. God sees how much we trust him when we take our hands off our situations. I love the quote "Peace be Still". This means I will stop worrying about it and gain peace in the midst of the storm. One thing I know about God is that he can change any situation in the twinkling of an eye. If he doesn't change things for what we feel is better, it doesn't mean he can't.

Today I want to encourage all to fast, pray, and read your word for guidance and strength. Don't forget to stand on the word of God. Know that God hasn't forgotten you and can bring healing in any situation. Have faith to believe in HIS will for your life. Live a life of peace knowing that God has you in his best interest.

Psalms 34:19
“Many are the afflictions of the righteous: but the LORD delivereth him out of them all.” 

I hope something here helps you get through difficult times. Think it not strange when you go through things in life. Nothing takes God by a surprise!

1 Peter 4:12

“Beloved, think it not strange concerning the fiery trial which is to try you, as though some strange thing happened unto you:” 

Psalm 46:10 King James Version (KJV)

10 Be still, and know that I am God: I will be exalted among the heathen, I will be exalted in the earth.

Remember in the book of Job God gave the enemy permission to test Job. Take note that the enemy may try us but God will be exaulted high above anything that comes our way! He is still in control and the Blood Still Works!

Thanks For Visiting!

Evangelist/Dr. Victoria Sheffield

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Thursday, August 31, 2017

A Woman That Broke Every Barrier

Written by Author/Journalist/Evangelist - Victoria Sheffield
Taken From the book of—Esther ©

Talk about being positioned for purpose! Esther a Jew orphan did not know through all of her pain that God was setting her up for her destiny. Her mother and father died when she was very young and her cousin Mordecai took her in as his own daughter. Who would have ever known how drastic her life would change when a search for a new queen took place.  Her entire position changed after King Ahasuerus banned his past wife Queen Vashti from the palace because of her disobedience. This opened up opportunity and possibility for hundreds of young beautiful virgins. As opportunity arose Mordecai advised her not to tell anyone of her Jew status.
At the decree of the king, Esther whose birth name was Hadassah was taken out of her home and comfort zone to be beautified for twelve months in preparation.  So her pain did not stop at being an orphan. She was taken and prepared for a chance of spending one night with a King whom she did not know which was the plan for each virgin.  I can only imagine how this must have felt. After her night with the king, she’s chosen as the new Queen.  There’s a new queen in the house that broke every barrier. She made it from the pit to the palace. She also changed the direction of herself and her people by standing boldly in what she believed. The King had a close confident named Haman who he promoted prince above all princes.
After his promotion, all of the people in the land made him feel special by bowing down to him but not Mordecai. This was against the Jews to bow down to man. Haman became furious and consulted with the King. Haman told the King that their were certain people in the land that would not obey the laws and convinced the King to destroy the Jews.  The King still does not know his wife is a Jew. The decree goes out and the bible states that there is mourning all over the land from the Jews. When Queen Esther hears about this, she gets one of her closest servants given to her by the King to check on Mordecai and to see why this is so. Mordecai sends a message back to the Queen and lets her know that because he did not bow down to Hamen, all Jews will be killed. Hamen tries to get Esther to have the King remove the decree but she replies to Mordecai by saying it is unlawful for me to go before the King unless he calls for me. If I go before him and he does not hold out his golden scepture and receives me, the penalty is death. Not to mention that the queen had already not seen the King in thirty days. Mordecai replies back by saying in so many words, I hope as a Jew yourself you do not feel as if you will escape.
     Coming to reality Esther tells Mordecai to pray and fast for her for three days and that he should tell the other Jews to do the same and she and her maids will do the same. Sometimes in our life we will be put into position where we will have to trust God like never before and if we are slowful at moving in the things of God we will miss out on our blessings. To make a long story short, Queen Esther went before the King and he received her. There is a lot more to the story but her act of bravery saved her and her people. She could have been killed but she believed in faith through fasting and prayer that God could and would bring her people out and he did. As for those that are wondering why all the pain, remember that your pain is tied into your destiny. As for anyone that feels as if they are tired of the struggle stay focused because your situation can change in the twinkling of an eye. I want to encourage all to walk in faith in the boldness and in the authority of Christ Jesus. I know God can and will bring you out too.

Thanks so much for reading!!!!

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Friday, November 25, 2016

The Fruit of the Spirit

When a seed is planted, we sit and wait for it to grow. We water it and make sure it has plenty of sunlight. We make sure that we don't over water it and we pull off anything that does it harm like worms. If we use pesticide to help the plant grow then it loses its value.  This is the word that God is giving me this morning. By the way, I hope all had a Happy Thanksgiving yesterday.

The word of God is the seed. Make sure you plant enough of it daily in your heart so that your soul will receive what it needs. If you filtrate your soul with things like violent TV shows or music, you've contaminated your temple. Nurture your temple by hearing the word of God from a preacher because how can we hear without a preacher? When we get off track, God takes and prunes anything away from us that does us no good. We may not understand, but people can not see fruit grow on a tree that is full of worms that bear no fruit. Keep your temple holy because what goes in comes out. People need to see the word of God being manifested in our lives. Its always good to minister to people but people are blessed just by our presence! 

In times like this, people need to see that even though the storms came and beat up on the tree on the hill, that we stayed the course. Though the winds blew, you did everything to hold on so that your joy would remain full. The miracle comes behind the fact that even though hardship came, you waited patiently and fought the good fight of faith. In other words you are still smiling and encouraging others. Your fruit love, joy, peace, longsuffering, & so forth are just the things needed to produce fruit that will last! Many will be lead to Christ because you carry a seed that produces kingdom connections. People are drawn to you because the spirit attracts. This is why we should be very mindful of the people we surround ourselves with daily!

I hope this blessed you! 
God spoke this to me and I wanted to share!

Peace & Blessings! Evangelist Victoria Sheffield
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Sunday, December 27, 2015

Don't Turn Back! Leave The Things That Held You Bound Behind!

In this season, let go of the people in your life that have a negative effect on you! As hard as it may be, sometimes we must cut the cord that leads to bondage. This is not the will of God for our lives. The thief comes to steal, kill, & destroy. We may need to let go of some friends and even family. This may not mean to just walk away totally but to keep a distance. Nothing should separate us from the love of God.

John 10:10
I came that they may have life and have it abundantly. 

Jeremiah 29:11
For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope. 

 So according to the two verses, we are not to live a depressed and oppressed life. Neither should we lose hope. God means us no evil and if he brought us into existence, then we are not a mistake because our life has a purpose because of his plan.

Are you at a place where you are stuck? What's holding you captive? Maybe there is something you want to do with your life but so far what you want is just a thought in the back of your mind. Procrastination is a spirit. If we are to live life abundantly, then why are we so stuck? Nothing in life will come easy not even riches. His word in Genesis says that it will come from the sweat of our brow. (Genesis 3:19) So unless we received an inheritance, then we must work for what we want in life. Is money, doubt, depression, or people holding you back from the things of God? This is your season to prosper. The verb prosper defined means to be successful or fortunate, especially in finances. Also to thrive or flourish. The word prosper does not just mean our finances. 

It's his will for us to prosper and be in good health. (lll John 1:2) How can we enjoy our dreams and aspirations in life if our health is bad? In this season, we must stop allowing the enemy to steal our joy with being overweight, having health related problems because we are so depressed we over eat to cover up our pain. Cigarettes, alcohol, drugs, etc... are all things that people use to cover up pain. Who is God in our life if we use those things to make us feel better? Yes I know that drinking is not a sin as long as it is not done is excessive amounts. 

Remember our temple, which is our bodies - should be holy vessels - a living sacrifice. (Romans 12:1) We will reap the benefits of not taking care of ourselves which is what the enemy wants to do. (destroy us) 


Stop making them! I don't have the money - I am not pretty enough. - I can't - It's too hard - I'm not smart enough. I'm too heavy!

There are businesses that can be started for free and almost free. Not being pretty enough doesn't work for me. Put on a wig! lol lose weight - do what you have to do but stop procrastinating because no one is gonna give you anything! Life is hard but God gives us wisdom! We don't know how much time we have on this earth and there is a lot of free information out here. Start with your local library or the world wide web.


Have you made any? If you haven't this must mean you don't have plans for your life. Successful people in life had a plan and no matter how hard, followed through with the plan. Have you set realistic Goals? This does not necessarily mean to have a new years resolutions because for me, I live my life daily with prosperity on my mind. I live my life wondering how I can be a better person today than I was yesterday. If you are someone that has a New Year's resolution, that's perfectly fine!

Leave Our Past Failures Behind

Everything we go through in life is for a reason even if it was our fault. Learn from your mistakes and stop beating up on yourself. God used many that were not perfect like me and you. Don't look back and don't make excuses for making the same mistakes over and over. Move forward in the things of God. Unlock your mind where the enemy has held you captive. Put your heart on the things that matter in life because an attack on our mind comes first from a thought. Make sure your heart is right with God and stay focused!

Trust God!

We will never understand God fully. Some things are not for us to know but he knows what's best for us. Job even in all of his troubles still worshipped God. Take your minds off of the cares of this world and keep your mind on God! Even when you can't see your way through know that God is near to prosper you. Know that our trials come to make us strong. You must keep on pushing and hold on to hope. When we lose hope, we are defeated. We are more than conquerors through Christ Jesus. 

Everything we do, let us do it unto God. In this season, this new year approaching let go of all of the foolishness and don't look to the left or the right because Jesus is on his way back and that's all matters. Playing church is out! Thinking that we can live a worldly life and go to heaven is dangerous! Only a few, an elect will make it in. (Matthew 7:13) What can you do now to advance the kingdom? Our children need mentors. It's time out for preaches and leaders to stop trying to outdo one another and work together to build his kingdom. It's time out for sugar coating and looking at ministry as a means to financial support for our families. Jesus told his disciples to leave behind everything they had and to shake the dust off their feet when they were rejected. Jesus is a supplier to those that diligently seek him! Seek him where he may be found and seek him early. Stop living the defeated life, & he will give you the desires of your heart. Learn how to use the word of God especially faith to defeat the enemy. (Ephesians 6 ch.) The contents of the movie War Room is not new. He always said go into our prayer closets and shut the door so that he can reward us openly. We wonder why we feel we can't hear from God but we are so busy! Spend time with him! Know that some things come by fasting and prayer. (Praise God he's in Hollywood though!)

Happy New Year! I could go on and on! Prosper! Tell somebody about Jesus! Live the abundantly life! God loves you all & so do I!!

Chain Breaking Ministries!  Evg. Victoria Sheffield

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